Books - Rights and licenses
Un ouragan dans la barbe / a storm in your beard
Author : Noelia Diaz Iglesias
Publisher : Maison CFC
Catégorie : Comic strip
Sub-category :
Public price on the Belgian market : 18€
Publication date : May 2021
Number of pages : 112
Dimension : 17,5x22,5 cm
ISBN : 9782875720658
Publisher's contact information : Maison CFC
Available rights
All languages.
Description :
Un ouragan sous la barbe is about a young boy, Hugo, going to his grand-father house, who is deaf and dumb. Hugo is a really turbulent child and gets on this grand-father's nerves. As they can't communicate through words, Hugo starts to think his grandpa might be an ogre. As they find a new way to talk to each other, a real bond appears.
Un ouragan sous la barbe is about a young boy, Hugo, going to his grand-father house, who is deaf and dumb. Hugo is a really turbulent child and gets on this grand-father's nerves. As they can't communicate through words, Hugo starts to think his grandpa might be an ogre. As they find a new way to talk to each other, a real bond appears.
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