Books - Rights and licenses
Les fantômes de Théodore
Author : Martine Rouhart
Publisher : Murmure des soirs
Catégorie : Literature
Sub-category :
Public price on the Belgian market : 16€
Publication date : March 2020
Number of pages : 118
Dimension : 14x21cm
ISBN : 9782930657608
Publisher's contact information : Murmure des soirs
Available rights
All languages.
Description :
What are these ghosts that prompt Theodore to stay away from the world, away from the rough roads, to lock himself in his thoughts? No one really knows him. Not even his daughter Charlie, yet so close, who shares with him every Sunday. One sunny summer day in April, she finds her door closed. Without explanation. Theodore has disappeared.
What are these ghosts that prompt Theodore to stay away from the world, away from the rough roads, to lock himself in his thoughts? No one really knows him. Not even his daughter Charlie, yet so close, who shares with him every Sunday. One sunny summer day in April, she finds her door closed. Without explanation. Theodore has disappeared.
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