Books - Rights and licenses
Ghost'n Roll, Baby
Author : Jean-Pierre Favard
Publisher : Livr'S
Catégorie : Literature
Sub-category : Roman épouvante et surnaturel
Public price on the Belgian market : 12€
Publication date : March 2023
Number of pages : 100
Dimension : 14,8x21 cm
ISBN : 9782379101151
Publisher's contact information : Livr'S
Available rights
All rights available.
Description :
I know what you?re thinking, the haunted house/horror movie thing has always gone down well with the rocker image. Kind of like sex and drugs in another era. Like, a must-see. So when Boleskine?s manager, Teddy Warm, suggested a return to their roots to write their new album, they thought: why not? When they discovered that the house he rented was deep in the Morvan, they thought: what the hell? And when they realized that the house in question is haunted... it was late to turn back.
I know what you?re thinking, the haunted house/horror movie thing has always gone down well with the rocker image. Kind of like sex and drugs in another era. Like, a must-see. So when Boleskine?s manager, Teddy Warm, suggested a return to their roots to write their new album, they thought: why not? When they discovered that the house he rented was deep in the Morvan, they thought: what the hell? And when they realized that the house in question is haunted... it was late to turn back.
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