From 8 June: the Marché de la poésie à Paris
The 39th Poetry Market will take place from June 8 to 12, 2022, place Saint-Sulpice, in Paris.
With more than three hundred publishing houses and magazines present, from France, Belgium, Quebec and Luxembourg (guest country this year), but also a rich program of meetings, debates and readings, the Poetry Market is the major annual meeting place for French-speaking poetry.
Several Belgian publishing houses will have their stands there: L’Arbre à paroles, Le Chat polaire, Éléments de langage, Esperluète, Maelström and Le Taillis Pré. The Belgium-Wallonia-Brussels stand, run by the Wallonia-Brussels bookshop and the association Les éditeurs singuliers, will display recent publications by around twenty publishers: L’Arbre de Diane, Bleu d’encre, Bozon2X, Cactus inébranlable, Le Cormier, Le Coudrier, Couleur livres, Daily Bul, Éranthis , Espace Nord, Les Impressions Nouvelles, La Lettre Volée, M.E.O., Les Midis de la poésie, La Pierre d’alun, Les éditions 632, Tétras Lyre, Traverse and Les éditions du Vide.