33rd literary adventure in Saint-Malo
Étonnants Voyageurs is one of the most important literary festivals in France, both in terms of quality and attendance. The programme focuses on literature of the world and of the imagination. Each year, the event welcomes more than two hundred writers and artists from all over the world who come together for three days of meetings, debates, readings, exhibitions and screenings.
Belgian French-language literature and publishing will be present in force.
More than forty Belgian publishing houses will be present on the Belgium-Wallonia-Brussels stand, with the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles International: Éditions de l’Académie, Academia, Accro éditions, Aden, Alice Jeunesse, L’Arbre à paroles, L’Arbre de Diane, Bleu dans vert, Bleu d’encre, Bozon2x, Cactus inébranlable, Éditions du CEP, CFC-Éditions, Le Chat polaire, CotCotCot, Le Cormier, Le Coudrier, F Deville, Diagonale, Éléments de langage, Empaj, Éranthis, Espace Nord, Esperluète, L’herbe qui tremble, Kantoken, Les Impressions Nouvelles, La Lettre volée, Lilys Éditions, LitPol, Livr’s Éditions, L’L Éditions, Maedia, Maelström, M.E.O., Les Midis de la poésie, Murmure des soirs, Névrosée, Les Oiseaux de nuit, Panthère, Partis pour, La Pierre d’alun, Quadrature, Samsa, Le Taillis Pré, Les Territoires de la mémoire, Tétras Lyre, Traverse, Yellow Now.